Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Goobers In Our Houses

BEN:  I have a goober in the closet.  it is scerey.  But it is cool and tall.  I am staing away!!  He is Green.  he is a Moster  He is gooey.  He is not scary NO NOT eney more he is my buddy.

LIZZIE:  In my basmint I have a monster in my basmint and it have's six lags four horn's and it wase light brown and it have's prple spose.  ps.  hes' NOT rile.

EMMA:  50 stink bugs are in my grage.  My Dad sead did i step on a stink bug and he truned on the light and there wrer 50 stink bugs.

HAYLEY:  in my basmint thar is a scarey monste.  it is big.  this is wut it sons like rooooooooor.  I sol it is newt.  I am scared uv it.  my big bruthr  hit it.  my litl buther hit it in the fas.  i scred him.  he is blue it has long kosard hrns and long teth.

MALIA:  Thar is a boober in my basmint.  have ten legs and 70 toes.  he is blue and haves weing.

SAMUEL:  I dont have a basmet but i have a storey for you its kalld bassmet monster.  ones apon a time a basment moster was in a basment he was skaren all the kids in secint grade and all cllass is in the shool.  1 kindergardin 1st 2nt but a boy stud tall and scard the gost on a way!!!  hoo ray!!!!!!  THE END

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